Channel: Jemma – Staffordshire Living
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IMG_0178Staffordshire Living’s Jemma McNicholas speaks to Paul Wilson of Fat Burner Bootcamps about how they have helped people in the local area as well as how bootcamps even cater for those with busy lifestyles….

This year, Fat Burner Bootcamp won the award for the UK’s Most Loved Personal Trainer 2014, courtesy of the ‘Best Of’ and those that voted. Over the years, Paul and Fat Burner Bootcamp have made television appearances on BBC Inside Out, Channel 4’s ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ and Sky News, sharing the fat loss success they have been achieving with people.

What do bootcamps offer that other outdoor activity’s don’t?
Other outdoor activities, such as running, walking, and cycling, focus on cardiovascular exercise as a means to burn calories. Unfortunately this leads to sugar cravings and sugar binges post exercise due to the drop in blood sugar that these forms of exercise often cause, resulting in weight gain.

Running can be a great activity to include in a healthy lifestyle, but if having spare time to exercise is a luxury for you, you need a workout that gives you most amount of fat loss while investing the least amount of time.

If you’ve only got 3 hours to workout in a week, the bootcamp workouts that focus on increasing metabolism will result in more fat loss without consuming time you don’t have to give up, and without the sugar cravings post workout that test your willpower.

How do bootcamps cater for those with a busy lifestyle? i.e. those with young children, full time jobs etc?
Many of our members are busy parents or single parents with little time on their hands. In a typical day after being a taxi service for the children, to completing all the house duties and a long day’s work, time is a luxury for many people.

That’s why my Fat Burner Boot Camps focus on turning up, working out, then getting back home after a 45 minute workout that focuses purely on fat loss and increasing the afterburn effect to keep you burning fat after your workouts.

Bootcamps will get you out of your chair away from artificial lighting and out into stimulating fresh air that the outdoors provides.

People often get the impression that bootcamps can be an expensive exercise to take up. Is it really that expensive and what benefits will we see for our money?
Our members actually discover that they end up saving money when they sign up to our bootcamps because we teach them how to prepare their meals and provide them with a shopping list so they only buy what they need instead of buying fruit and veg that you “intend” to use, but never do. Instead of wasting money on food that never gets used, our members become better shoppers and spend less.

Our members also find they save money that they would have spent on takeaways and nights out drinking alcohol at the weekend, which can easily equal to £150-300+ per month when you sit down and jot it up.

Trusted bootcamps will always offer a full money back guarantee on results. At Fat Burner Boot Camp we guarantee our members will lose up to 1 stone in 28 days following our plan or double their money back!

And if you can find one near you, attending a quality trusted bootcamp will provide you with personal training results, at a fraction of the price.

Are there different types of bootcamps for people with different fitness levels?
A good bootcamp will have a start date. In fact, a “bootcamp” without a start date is just an exercise class. The whole idea about a bootcamp is a period of time, where you commit yourself to a program to achieve a result.

There are too many ‘pay as you go, turn up when you like’ bootcamps around, that lead to people having a bad experience with bootcamps. An instructor can drop a new member into the deep end without first teaching them the basic movements which is impossible to teach if the instructor is also teaching advanced movements to his longer attending members which the new member is not ready for.

This is why it is essential to have a start date, where you can track and progress each members fitness level. A bootcamp without a start date is simply a glorified exercise class that is likely to result in a bad experience or injury for the new member.

What would you say to those who are scared of attending a bootcamp as they simply don’t feel fit enough?
Ensure the bootcamp you attend is a set program, and not just a ‘turn up when you like’ class. This way, regardless of your fitness level, the bootcamp will be able to progress you from start to finish.

At Fat Burner Boot Camp we care if you miss a workout, and hold you accountable if you’re not there. This is what the gyms and exercise classes fail to achieve – they don’t the break bad habits that have been stopping you from achieving the results you want like skipping workouts after a long day.

If you are someone that has lost your shape, you need someone who will put you back on track, and this experience can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable.

There is never a lonely day of feeling sad, or sore, or struggling with your diet when you have a camp around you supporting you inside the workout, and online in our members area.

Wilson’s Top 5 tips to achieve the afterburn effect
1) Get breathless – To achieve the EPOC you must push yourself into breathlessness. Many people avoid pushing themselves because they have been told they need to stay in the aerobic zone to burn fat and that’s true if you have 10-20 hours to perform steady state cardio each week, but if you want to achieve the afterburn and burn more calories post workout that will save you time, you must push yourself until your are breathless, then rest before pushing yourself again.
2) Get burning – Lactate is that burning feeling you get when your perform repetitions of an exercise. This burning will increase the hormones testosterone and growth hormone which will respectively elevate metabolism for days after the workout has stopped.
3) Go heavy – Same as burning, by lifting heavy you will also increase testosterone and growth hormone that will increase fat burning.
4) Use all the muscles – Isolating muscle groups like biceps curls, and leg extensions are out, big compound movements like squats and pushups are in. Exercises that use multiple joints and muscles will result in the biggest afterburn effect.
5) Avoid simple sugar before you exercise and during exercise – Avoid sports drinks and sweet foods before and during exercise to prevent hindering the afterburn effect. Likewise avoid consuming foods high in starch, sweet foods or alcohol after a workout to prevent turning off the afterburn effect. A little starch mixed with protein is a good combination to help post workout recovery, just don’t overdo the carbs if fat loss is your goal.

camp logoFor more information on Fat Burner Bootcamps visit www.fatburnerbootcamp.com


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